Now this is a topic that is very close to my heart, uncomfortably close if u would like to know, “Why the hell is the love of my oh so wonderful life so difficult to understand???”(C me tearing my hair...)
Did any of u ladies (pardon, men also included here) ever wonder from which part of which planet, which area of the darkest region of the universe, our partners came from? Because it certainly does not feel like we even belong to the same solarsystem (so what, i am not a believer in the Mars and Venus theory, we must have sprung even furthur).
We ladies say our partners are careless, uncaring, not listening, not being warm enough, not being compassionate, not loving enough… the list never seem to end (mind u i had revised and edited and used this list on a number of occasions for me to knwo this by heart, i can even recite it in sleep). Put the same question to the other partner and he will have his own never ending lists of complainats. He will say woman are totally without commonsense, can’t find a direct path to the toilet without the detour, have a tendency to talk too much or (heavenforbid when they are being punished, never at all), gives them a headache with all the pitchfork changes in the story before they can even reach the point of the conversation… their list seem even more endless… n there v thought we were perfect, right??)Where I am pretty sure that I am the one who makes the most sense in MOST situations, and he will inform me (ever so firmly) that he is the one who has the most sense….
So who is right? Me or him?
so now many years of research now says that we are SUPPOSED to be that way. (Amazing is it not?) After many many arguments starting with, "u are not caring enough... and ending with i am going home to my parents....", we all end up with the mind-blowing statement, its ok, we are supposed to be that way. It seems we are wired differently. this statement of differences become even harder to accept in the world where we had grown up simply assuming that both sexes are no different. (Except in the most obvious way that is) We are not the same…Imagine that!!
Now that leaves us with the exact same question, so how on earth are we supposed to solve the differences of openion? Do the females just shut up? or do the males simply plug their ears? Ans pls....
We are simply wired differently……….
Naie Jan 21, 2009 0 comments
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