A cheat’s charter.

had found this article in the daily Mail. It was written by an author who wanted to do a research on why men cheated... i had edited the article... it was lovely reading... hope u will find the same insight in it that i did.

“Teresa had been suspicious of her husband for weeks, but as she sat in her car watching him walk into the home of an attractive blonde, she was stunned.Nick was a was supposed to be at the at the gym.
Her heart was hammering as she marched up to the front door. It was opened by a red-faced, flustered young woman. Teresa pushed her to one side.
‘I know my husband’s here,’ she snapped, as she stormed inside and marched from room to room. She hurled open the door of the airing cupboard and there, crouching behind a pile of towels and sheets, was Nick. He was naked, except for his expensive designer glasses. ‘It’s not what it looks like. You are just imagining things. Please go home and everything will be OK,’ he said….”

Welcome to the world of cheating husbands. They tell the most outrageous lies, they have one mistress after another and - most amazing of all - they often get away with it and we woman swallow it all, hook line and sinker... and the men still complain, what happened to the love in our marriage???

So why are men more prone to cheating??? Are some men programmed to be unfaithful? Is it something in their DNA, an overdeveloped sex drive or irresistible charm?? What is the reason for their behavior?

The answer is much more simpler and all the more shocking for it. After meeting hundreds of adulterers, it was discovered that they cheat because they can get away with it. Men from all walks of life - doctors, dentists, lawyers, bankers, footballers, teachers and the odd millionairs, all had cheated on their wives but, incredibly, only 40 of them had been found out. The others got away scot free and are still at it - as are many of the men who were found out and forgiven.

60 betrayed women were asked about their relationships. All except three have stuck with their cheating husbands. This was the reason why men cheat. Because they know that they can have their cake and eat from several others at the same time. When women don’t have the courage to stand up for themselves, it’s virtually a cheat’s charter.

Take Teresa. Tall, blonde and witty, she lives in a stunning house outside London with her husband Nick. In their early 40s, they had been married 15 years and had three children when Teresa began to suspect things weren’t right. The betrayed wives all had one thing in common - a lack of confidence. They were at least as attractive as the mistresses and a great deal more intelligent. But they let their men walk all over them, to be treated like dirt.

The next question is how to find a cheat….. Simple!… Call out ‘Cheat’ in any street and a dozen guilty men will look furtively over their shoulders. One would think that these men will keep quite about their antics when they fear being found out so much... This however is not the case. These men often needed one sympathetic ear and they will open up like an oil well. The male’s capacity to boast about his sexual prowess knows no bounds. Once they started reeling off their conquests, it was impossible to shut them up. Hearing them talk one can be mistaken to imagine they’d be living exciting, glamorous lives.

'One man boasted to me: "When my wife discovered by affair, I managed to make her feel guilty"'

You’d expect cheats to feel guilt, but, believe me, most don’t. The men I met seemed to find it impossible to understand the damage they had caused. They seemed far more interested in their next affair. And when they were found out, they often turned the tables on their wives.

One man boasted to me: ‘When my wife discovered my affair, I managed to make her feel guilty. I told her it was because she’d been ignoring me and had gone off sex. In the end, she was the one apologizing.’

But having spoken to all these men, One can wonder if they’re capable of love — I’m not sure they even love themselves, so how can they love their wives? And If they did, would they risk inflicting such pain on them? Because for a woman to find out that her husband is cheating on her can inflict quite a lot of pain. The emotional pain it can cause is unimaginable and the repercussions to be felt for years to come.

The wife of a serial cheat told me: ‘You see yourself for the first time through this unforgiving mirror. Suddenly every little fault and imperfection is exaggerated.. Now all the love is gone. Even though I know he’s to blame, I’ll never feel as good about myself again.’

It’s a cliché, but a lot of men start cheating when they hit middle age. They realise they’re never going to be David Beckham or Bill Gates, but they can have a fantasy life with another woman.

So, what can women do to protect themselves against cheats?
• First, be wary of women with long hair. One of the most unexpected things I discovered was that men nearly always cheat with women who have longer hair than their wives.
I’m not a trained psychologist, but the reason couldn’t be more obvious — or more shallow. They want to rekindle their youth with a younger version of their wives and long hair seems to equal youth. The simple truth is that most cheats are cowards. They are not brave enough to admit there might be problems in their relationship.
Instead, they embark on affairs that involve secrecy. When they are caught out, it’s normally down to something as clichéd as lipstick on their collar or a scratch mark they can’t explain. And if their wife forgives them, they believe they’ve got carte blanche to carry on. I’ve met only one man who stopped cheating, even though he’d never been found out.

• And that’s the problem. If men think they can get away with cheating, they will. The secret to keeping your man faithful couldn’t be simpler: be confident, demand attention and make it clear he is lucky to have you and won’t get a second chance.

By Tessa Cunningham
I’m also convinced there are faithful men out there. They have a moral code and strength of character. They don’t lie or cheat. They’re more interested in being the sort of father their children can look up to than their own selfish pleasure.

adapted from an article in daily mail. (By Tessa Cunningham)